Statement from John F. Kennedy Library Foundation


For Immediate Release 
December 2, 2015 
Contact: Rachel Flor, (617) 514-1662, 

The John F. Kennedy Library Foundation today announced that CEO Heather Campion has resigned her position and will take on a consulting role at Harvard’s Institute of Politics focused on women’s leadership. 

Honorary Library President Caroline Kennedy and Board Member Ed Schlossberg said: “Heather has worked with her team tirelessly to implement the Board’s new agenda and has launched a range of new initiatives. We are saddened by her departure but are committed to moving forward on the successful course that the Foundation and the Library has set.” 

Kenneth Feinberg, Chairman of the Board of Directors, thanked Campion for her more than 10 years of service as a board member, and almost two years leading the foundation. 

“Heather’s dedication to this institution has never wavered. We thank her for the incredible support she provided during this period of transformation and change. It has not been an easy task,” said Feinberg. “The Library and Foundation have grown, expanded partnerships, held an international symposium, renovated the museum and reached out to the next generation. The hard work Heather has done will make the organization stronger as we continue to share President Kennedy’s vision and values to new audiences around the globe.” 

In a letter to the Board of Directors, Campion wrote: ““Nearly two years ago, I was asked to become CEO of the John F. Kennedy Library Foundation and to take on the implementation of an exciting and ambitious new plan to transform this institution for the 21st century. After nearly a decade of serving on the board of directors, and a long career in the public and private sectors, I accepted this position, knowing that it would be a challenge, and one which I was honored to undertake.” She continued: “I am grateful to have had the opportunity to lead the JFK Library Foundation at such an important time, and look forward to the continued progress and success of this very special institution.” 

The Board of Directors will appoint an interim leadership team while it conducts a national search for a replacement.