Remarks of Senator John F. Kennedy, Madison, Wisconsin, September 24, 1959

It is a real pleasure for any Democrat to come to Madison. In Wisconsin you have demonstrated that victory at the polls is not the result of some magic, automatic "Democratic tide." It is the result of hard work, good issues and good candidates – and you have demonstrated that you have an abundance of all three here in Wisconsin. Governor Gaylord Nelson had led the party in the state with a vigor and a vision that have earned him the respect of every section of the nation. Your lieutenant governor, Phileo Nash, and your attorney general, John Reynolds, head up a state team that is one of the most able in the nation.

In the Senate I serve with Bill Proxmire. I find I can always look to him for guidance and assistance not only in matters affecting the welfare of farmers – where he has so often demonstrated his wide knowledge and understanding of their problems – but in all other matters affecting the general welfare of the nation. On the other side of the Federal Capitol you are ably represented by Congressman Kastenmeier. You may well be proud of your Democratic representation in Congress.

It is a particular honor to be in the city of Madison where my good friend Ivan Nestingen is mayor. The progressive and inspiring leadership he has given the city has earned for his administration the admiration of cities all over the country.

Source: David F. Powers Personal Papers, Box 32, "Democratic Representatives, Madison, WI, 24 September 1959." John F. Kennedy Presidential Library.