World on the Brink: The Cuban Missile Crisis

Your students can investigate the rich historical evidence in this online exhibit to analyze the events, decisions, and outcomes of the Cuban Missile Crisis.

About this Resource

Grade Level
Curricular Resource Type
Online Exhibits and Digital Interactives
Curricular Resource Subject Area
Civics and US Government
US History
World History
Curricular Resource Topic
The Cold War
International Relations
Curricular Standards
Common Core
National History Standards (UCLA)
National Council of Teachers of English
Massachusetts Framework - English Language Arts
Massachusetts Framework - History and Social Science

At 8:45 AM on October 16, 1962, National Security Advisor McGeorge Bundy alerted President Kennedy that a major international crisis was at hand. Two days earlier a United States military surveillance aircraft had taken hundreds of aerial photographs of Cuba. CIA analysts, working around the clock, had deciphered in the pictures conclusive evidence that a Soviet missile base was under construction near San Cristobal, Cuba; just 90 miles from the coast of Florida. The most dangerous encounter in the Cold War rivalry between the United States and the Soviet Union had begun.

The World on the Brink website steps your students through the crisis one day at a time. They will see the events unfold from one day to the next, with historical documents revealing the history of these thirteen days in October. They will see the intelligence photos the President acted upon; read the correspondence between the White House and the Kremlin; and listen to Kennedy's speech to the American public about the historic events unfolding in Cuba.